Happy Spring!

by | Apr 25, 2024 | 0 comments

Yes, Spring has sprung and summer is nye.  Hopefully you are noticing improvements made to our community.  Thankfully we did not have to plow snow and the money we saved has benefited our improvement costs.

First, the gates have finally been replaced, they look good, and after a couple issues, seem to be working properly.  We have replaced the timbers along the roadway, improving the look in that area.  The brick walls have been power washed and boy did they ever need it!  We are in the process of straightening all leaning mailboxes.  The gutters on all buildings will be cleaned soon.  The irrigation system will be serviced before turning on the water.  Efforts will be made to fix any leaks, bury surfaced soaker hoses, and making sure all zones are operating properly.  The spring clean up has begun by our landscape company and even though we were informed that the boxwoods were diseased, we opted to leave them alone and many of them are currently looking alive and well.  There are some minor carpentry issues that need attention and will be corrected during the summer.  Finally, all street signs will be replaced soon.

Those that received letters about refinishing your garage door, this is the time to get that scheduled.

We continue to discourage owners from feeding the feral cats in hopes that they will soon 🫠 disappear.

We continue to encourage you all to be safe, be aware your surroundings at all times, as no place is safe today.  If you see something say something and telephone HHPD if needed.

Your board of directors are working to keep Elysian Fields Condominium Association a beautiful place to reside.  If you see something that we have somehow missed, please bring it to our attention.



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